Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby, It's C-C-Cooooold Outside! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

ECing lends itself to nekkid babies in the same way that many parents like to toilet train their toddlers during the summer. The point being that if baby wets his clothing, there is less of it to change and launder. But nekkid babies can be a problem in the winter.

The books about ECing talk about all of the cultures where infant potty training is practiced, and they are primarily in warm climates. The exception is China. Those babies seem to be fully clothed rather than just wearing a string around the waist.

In the United States we have the advantage of climate controlled homes. Even when it is cold outside we can crank up the heat and be toasty warm. This permits us to have our EC babies wearing only t-shirts, socks and diaper belt ensembles, which is the look frequently sported by Tommy.

There may be times, however, when even an American doesn't want to keep her home warm enough for running around naked. Perhaps she heats with wood and on days that are slightly cold, starting a fire will only result in a house that is uncomfortably warm and she would rather just bundle herself and the kids in more clothing.

While TM does intend to make some of those cute Chinese style split pants seen HERE, in the meantime she whipped up some leggings to keep Tommy's legs warm.

To make your own EC leg warmers, find a pair of socks you don't want. It is fine if they have holes in the toes or heels. As a matter of fact, that makes it even better since you will be cutting off that part of the sock.

TM chose a pair of her own knee socks and a pair of crew socks. Stop coveting TM's Ginghers! You can buy your own using one of those coupons for Jo-Ann's where you get 50% off one item. Sorry for the rabbit trail...

Simply cut the foot off of the sock.

Now you have a pair of leg warmers that cost you nothing and took you about 20 seconds to make. You probably spent more time than that just looking for some scissors.

See how warm Tommy looks now? This crew sock is ribbed so it clings to his leg. For an even tighter fit, use a child's sized sock.

Here Tommy is modeling one of each type of sock. The knee sock only has ribbing at the top so it fits and hangs more like a pant leg.

If you have absolutely no skills and you need a pair of these leggings, simply mail a pair of old socks to TM along with $10 for shipping. She will put her Ginghers to work on your socks and your EC baby will be warm in a jiffy!

Of course, you can spend more and buy spiffy brand new ones HERE.

The main thing is to find a way to keep baby's legs warm on those cold days.


  1. You might like to check out this link. Free pattern and tutorial for EC pants.

  2. duh! forgot to leave the link....
