Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An EC Uh-oh

The other day TM took Tommy to go pee pee on the toilet in the master bath. On their way out of the bathroom, TM noticed that her bed needed to be made, so she set Tommy on the floor in order to tend to the job. Tommy quickly crawled away to the living room to investigate the activities of his older siblings.

TM made the bed and then plopped down in front of the computer to check email. Unfortunately, she forgot that Tommy was bare-bottomed.

A few minutes later, Tommy came crawling down the hall. Much to TM's horror, she saw that he had poop on his feet. And his legs. And his hands. He was grinning from ear to ear.

This is the stuff of EC nightmares. More than once TM has been asked, "What? You just let your baby poop and pee all over the house?" To which she would always respond, "Of course not!" Hmmmph.

While it is true that one of TM's goals is that her babies won't be wearing their wastes, it is also a goal that they put them in an appropriate receptacle - not just drop them wherever they might fall! In this case, they fell on the carpet, and Tommy crawled through. Then he decided to pull himself up to the piano and play a few notes. Yuck!

Has it been mentioned that the carpet in Tommy's household is a nice poopy brown color? Now TM had to get on her hands and knees and retrace Tommy's path, trying to see poop that was camouflaged in the rug. Mostly she had to follow her nose.

As embarrassing as that is to share, be assured that this is the first time this has happened to TM, and Tommy is her 3rd ECing baby.

Thankfully, there are no pictures to go with this post.


  1. This. Is. Hilarious. So glad I wasn't still living at home for that one.

  2. So glad to know I'm not the only one this has happened too. Several months ago I took Silas off the potty and went to get a diaper to put back on him, when the phone rang. While I was on the phone, he poo'd under the dining table.

    Thankfully he didn't stop to play piano a long the way. (That is the best part of the whole story)

  3. I don't even EC and this has happened to me! How funny! I'm glad I'm not the only one! You think you have a minute to get that diaper on but when your back is turned...or quickly discover their plumbing works and WELL! LOL

    Just you wait Mrs. Snider...your turn is coming! :P Looking forward to THAT blog post. ;)

  4. Man they are diabolical little creatures, no? :) Wonderful little blessings, with naughty little determinations!

    Glad you didn't stop to get the camera for that one..somehow, just not the same as being covered in spaghetti, LOL!

  5. A photo wouldn't have done justice to the odor anyway... You know, poop is pretty tame until you squish it, sort of like garlic, except poop smells bad.
