Today TM lifted Tommy up onto her lap at his request of "Mah! Mah!"
As soon as he was seated he grabbed his crotch, tugged on his little romper and yelled "Ahhhhhh"
Tommy's Mommy asked, "Do you need to go potty?"
"Paaahhhh" responded the little cutie.
After unsnapping the crotch snaps of the romper and removing Tommy's underpants, TM placed him on the Little Potty. He smiled and sat there for approximately 2 seconds. He dislikes the potty chair and has yet to pee pee in it. "Let's go potty," said TM. Tommy stood up and started toddling down the hallway towards the bathroom. This is the cutest thing ever, and it MUST be captured on video. He was saying something like, "heh! heh! heh!"
When he arrived in the bathroom he patted the toilet lid and shouted, "PAH!"
TM took up her place on the step stool in front of the toilet, lifted the lid, placed the potty seat on top of the toilet seat and hoisted Tommy onto the seat. He immediately began making a grunting noise. He sometimes does this when he pees, perhaps because as soon as he starts grunting, who ever else happens to be in the room will start grunting with him, which is amusing.
Then Tommy peed in the toilet. A catch! Yippee! Right, right, the books say not to make a big deal of it. Try to state very matter-of-factly "You went pee." But hey, around this household, we tend to get excited about things like that, so Tommy will just have to get used to it.
Woo hoo! Good job Tommy! I'd be squealing with joy for his accomplishment, too..matter of fact to the wind!