Thursday, January 13, 2011

Totally Off Topic for the Blog - Breastfeeding Photo

The topic for this blog is Infant Potty Training, Elimination Communication, Potty Whispering and the like. Because the writings are not so much personal in nature, but topical, TM strives to keep the blog uncluttered by not dumping all of the happenings of her seven children, husband, son-in-law and grandchild right here where people come to read about Tommy going poop.

But every once in a while, something happens that is so important to TM that she can rationalize how it is at least tangentially  related to Tommy's E.C. lifestyle. Today is just such an occasion. Enjoy. And have fun coming up with your own explanation, which you may share in the "Comments" section, about how this photo is related to the regular subject of this blog.

Here is a description of the photo: On the right is TM, breastfeeding Tommy. On the left is Tommy's oldest sister, breastfeeding Tommy's nephew. Tommy is 19 months in this picture. His nephew is 4 months.


  1. What I see is absolutely beautiful! That's one of the most wonderful pictures I have ever seen..mama and daughter both there nursing...

    Me thinks your nursing relates pretty well with EC. Much communication goes on with nursing, as well as with well as keeping BM's soft and regular!

    Looks like your daughter uses the same dipes as me. :)

    God Bless!

  2. I'm not sure what type of dipe that is... the cutest ones she brought on this visit were the ones she makes herself. They are some sort of pocket diaper, I know that much.

    I'm glad the picture had a similar effect on you as it did me. It just seems so... I don't know... right, I guess.
