Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Milestone - Poop in the Pot

Just a few days shy of the 8 month anniversary of his birth, and Tommy is finally sitting up well enough to be put on the toilet. Obviously he can't just prop himself up on a regular toilet seat, as his tiny heiny would slip right through the hole. Instead, a toddler toilet seat is first placed upon the throne to facilitate the safety of baby.

So yesterday was his first foray in pottying on the toilet. Things went well. Very well.

TM placed the little seat on the big seat, then set Tommy on top of that. In placing a baby, particularly a boy, on the seat, it is important to remember to spread his legs. This spreading helps him to maintain his balance and it allows ample room for the penis to aim downward. If his legs are together, the penis tends to either be squeezed between the legs or, worse yet, sit on top of them, so when the tinkle begins the pee pee will run all over the legs or spray in TM's face. An alternate route would be across the thighs to the knee, then dripping down the shins to the floor. Anyway, just remember to spread the legs and avoid all the issues.

The cues were given to Tommy (verbal and visual, psssssssssss and the hand sign). Tommy seemed amused by this new potty position and in a few short moments he entertained himself further by depositing a BM in the pot. The BM was accompanied by several short burst of flatulence which echoed wildly underneath him, causing him to burst out in laughter. Then he followed that with a pee pee.

Of course, TM was very excited and pleased, and because her hands were free she clapped. This made Tommy laugh again, as it was a new experience. Usually when he potties, even though TM is pleased, she is unable to do anything so funny as clapping because she is holding Tommy with both hands.

This morning's pottying on the toilet was captured by digital camera and is herewith included for your enjoyment and edification.

Notice that his legs are apart and he is making the potty sign with his right hand.

At times like this, ECing is just plain fun!

Friday, December 18, 2009


You heard (read) that right, we had not one single miss today. That's an EC first for TM, with Tommy or any other 7 month old.

I need to get busy sewing the rest of those pants!

Monday, December 14, 2009

We Keep Rolling Along

One of TM's greatest frustrations is that so much of her EC with Tommy takes place with him in her arms and without witnesses. Of course, it is great that he is in her arms, it is wonderful fun, but TM is the only one getting to see it and she can't take pictures while holding the baby.

We caught two poopies today. It really seems as if Tommy waits until he's at the potty place to make a poopy. It's been a while since he did it in his diaper. That makes laundry so much easier, and really is reason enough to EC.

Tommy is now making the hand sign for "potty" (well, his own version of it) when I get him in the potty position. He also blows raspberries as his version of making the cue "psssssssss". TM will try to get a video of these things, as they need to be documented, but, as noted above, she is usually alone with Tommy and holding him with both hands when this occurs.

Two pairs of split crotch pants have been made and there will be more to follow. Hopefully the transition will be made away from diapers and over to pants. There will be another post and pictures of the split crotch pants coming soon.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

For Those Who Want To Learn More...

Here is a link to an article by Laurie Boucke, (pronounced Boo-Kay) author of Infant Potty Training.

Tommy and Mommy can't wait to see her DVD Potty Whispering!